Mapping Out PRCA’s Rodeos

There are more than 600 PRCA rodeos each year, spanning from Canada to Mexico and from the West coast to the East coast of the United States. New rodeos are announced often, and sometimes rodeos are cancelled, so it’s important for fans and athletes to stay up to date on when and where the next rodeo will be.

Finding a rodeo should be the easy part, so we’ve put together an interactive map that will be updated as rodeo schedules are announced or changed. This map can be used for getting directions to each competition, finding out what’s happening nearby or just planning out a road trip.

To access the map at any time, go to the PRCA’s website,
(Each screen shot pictured below can be clicked on for a closer look at what’s happening.)


Once you get to the PRCA’s website, just scroll down until you see the map.


Clicking the map will take you to the Rodeo Schedule list that can also be found underneath the “Rodeo” tab in the top left.  Either way, you’ll end up at the same location on the PRCA’s website.


Now click on the map.
(This time it will take you to the map, we promise our directions are better than your traveling buddy’s)


Alright, so now you’re at the map – but this is no ordinary map, it has 12 layers that separate each months’ rodeos so you can find what’s happening during that time period. It’s February now, so the closer each month gets, the more officially announced rodeos you’ll find on the map. Until a rodeo is officially announced with set dates, it will not appear on the map.

Not familiar with layers? Well, don’t fret – we’ve got you covered! First, just click on the arrow in the top left corner.


Check it out on the left, there’s a menu with a section for each month. If you’re going to be in California in May, then scroll on down to May and scope out all the opportunities to win big, or to just kick back and relax while watching your buddies compete for some prize money.

You’ll notice the rodeos on the map have different icons. These are based on which series each rodeo belongs to – so the Xtreme Bulls competitions have an Xtreme Bulls icon, the All American series rodeos have an All American series icon, and those that are simply PRCA rodeos, have a PRCA logo. Each of the RAM Circuit Finals rodeos can be found pretty easily since they’ve got their own distinctive logos.


So, if you’re aiming for the top of the All American standings, you can easily find an All American rodeo – who knows, maybe there’s one near you that you hadn’t heard about.
(Unfortunately, we can’t tell you where the nearest place is to get ice for your cooler)


The cool thing about this map is once you find your rodeo, you can take a closer look – and if luck is on your side, maybe you will find somewhere nearby to refill your cooler, get a bite to eat or just go have some fun.

You can zoom in and out of the map by clicking on the plus and minus symbol in the bottom corner. Or, if you’re using a touch screen phone or tablet, just spread two fingers apart to zoom in or pinch two fingers together on the screen to zoom out.

(This is easier to do in full-screen mode, which can be accessed using the box in the top right corner.)


All of the icons on the map can be clicked for additional details on the rodeo – the time and day of each competition, as well as links to their website, can be found here. You can also get directions for the fastest way to the rodeo from wherever you’re currently standing.


OK, so maybe you won’t end up in Las Vegas – but you’ll never know until you try. And with the new PRCA rodeo map, you’ll at least know where to park once you get to any of the 600+ PRCA rodeos.


Courtesy of PRCA

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